Thursday, July 7, 2011

Twitter, Comic Strips and Ducks

Today Twitter is bursting with some of the craziest quotes ever, thanks to the hashtag #replaceawordinafamousquotewithduck (I myself jumped on the duck wagon with one or two crazy tweets, I admit it) so I thought I was going to honor that fun hashtag in my blog by showing you people some examples of a long, running animated cartoon series about...well, you guessed that one right, ducks!

What the Duck is funny as hell. Fast, energetic and full of humor, this Comic Strip is just what the doctor ordered if Friday looks too distant! So, grab a chair, don't grab a drink because you would spill it all over, and...laugh! It's Duck time!

Poor duck, seeing Death face to...crotch? That must've been a tough one! It's never beautiful to see one of these ducks crying, but then again sometimes life's not that easy!

However, before the coming of Death there is life to struggle with, as this amazingly funny strip (one of my favorites of the animated comic strip) shows us!

And, just in case you were wondering whether or not to heed your friends' advice when they tell you to "duck"...wonder no more! And hey, if you hated homonyms before this one, I'm not about to ease your mind either...Sorry!

Hope you enjoyed this introduction to the crazy world of the What the Duck Comic Strip!

Til next time!


1 comment:

  1. Un perro como Snoopy,un gato como Garfield... ya estaba echando de menos un pato como este! Gracias por enseñarnos estas viñetas tan divertidas, lo añado a mi lista de tiras cómicas para no perderse!!
